IU School of Dentistry James Fritts, DDS Clinical Care Center Dedication

Indiana University President Michael A. McRobbie presided over a dedication of the James J. Fritts, DDS Clinical Care Center, a new state-of-the-art oral health care clinic at the Indiana University School of Dentistry on Friday, March 2 at IUPUI.

The 45,000-square-foot facility is part of a plan to ensure Indiana's only dental school is among the best in the world. The building bears the name of Dr. James. J. Fritts, a 1965 dental school graduate.

From the top: From left, IUPUI Chancellor Nasser Paydar, President McRobbie, Dr. James Fritts, Dean John Williams and IU trustee Michael Mirro participate in the ceremonial ribbon cutting after the IU School of Dentistry dedication of the James Fritts, DDS Clinical Care Center at IUPUI on Friday March 2; Fritts mingles before the dedication; McRobbie greets guests before the ceremony. Photos by Liz Kaye, IU Communications

In his remarks, McRobbie focused on the IU School of Dentistry's history as one of the oldest dental schools in the nation and its commitment to serving the people of Indiana. 

From the top: IU trustee Michael Mirro hands over the ceremonial key to IU President Michael A. McRobbie during the IU School of Dentistry dedication of the James Fritts, DDS Clinical Care Center; Onur Alakavuklar, associate instructor in the IU Jacobs School of Music, performs during the ceremony; dental student Leah Stetzel speaks at the dedication. Photos by Liz Kaye, IU Communications

"The school provides an important service in a state that continues to suffer from a shortage of trained dentists and where many Hoosiers, particularly those living in rural areas, have difficulty accessing quality oral health care, which can have a major impact on overall health and well-being," McRobbie said during the ceremony.

"Only 16 of Indiana’s 92 counties currently have an adequate supply of dentists. Improving this alarming statistic is a shared goal of IU, the IU School of Dentistry, and our state’s legislators. I was very pleased that the Indiana General Assembly recently passed legislation that will expand Hoosier access to dental health care in rural and underserved areas."