Principles of Excellence

Guided by our commitment to excellence


To be one of the great research universities of the 21st century and to be the preeminent institution of higher education in Indiana, specifically by:

  1. Providing an excellent, world-class, relevant, and responsive education across a wide range of disciplines in baccalaureate, graduate, and professional education to students from all backgrounds from Indiana and around the globe;
  2. Pursuing excellent world-class research, scholarship, and creative activity; and
  3. Engaging in the economic and social development of Indiana, the nation, and the world by building on this base of excellence in research and education.

Indiana University will be both entrepreneurial and collaborative in pursuing this vision and generating the resources to accomplish it.

Mission statement

Indiana University is a major multicampus public research institution, grounded in the liberal arts and sciences, and a world leader in professional, medical, and technological education.

Indiana University’s mission is to provide broad access to undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education for students throughout Indiana, the United States, and the world, as well as outstanding academic and cultural programs and student services.

Indiana University seeks to create dynamic partnerships with the state and local communities in economic, social, and cultural development and to offer leadership in creative solutions for 21st-century problems.

Indiana University strives to achieve full diversity, and to maintain friendly, collegial, and humane environments, with a strong commitment to academic freedom.

(Approved by the Indiana University Trustees November, 2005)

The principles

1. An Excellent Education

Ensure that IU’s schools and programs provide an education of the highest quality appropriate to their campus and school missions and are recognized for their excellence through national and international peer comparisons.

The best academic programs. Provide an excellent, rigorous, contemporary education through an extensive range of undergraduate, graduate academic, and professional programs and degrees that meet the needs of Indiana, the nation, and the world.

Educating outstanding students. Attract academically outstanding, promising students from diverse and underrepresented backgrounds throughout Indiana, the nation, and the world.

Academic success and completion. Enhance undergraduate student learning and success through university-wide efforts to address retention and graduation issues in a systematic, sustained fashion.

High quality student life. Enhance and expand the quality of student life through an environment that vigorously supports and sustains academic, service, and athletic achievements at the highest and most competitive levels and that is culturally rich, diverse and inclusive.

Access and affordability for Hoosiers. Ensure that an IU education remains geographically, programmatically, and financially accessible for all qualified students.

Innovative teaching. Adopt innovative modes of teaching and learning that improve the educational attainments of students.

2. An Excellent Faculty

Recruit and retain an outstanding, diverse, and inclusive faculty from researchers, scholars, teachers, and creative artists worldwide who are recognized as among the very best in their fields.

3. Excellence in Research

Maximize IU’s full capacity for research, scholarship, and creative activity that is recognized as excellent through national and international peer comparisons.

Increase research and scholarship. Increase external funding and other support for research and scholarship in all areas of inquiry, and ensure that these activities are strongly supported both academically and administratively.

Stimulate the arts and humanities. Expand and enhance IU’s renowned traditions in the creative arts that enrich the lives of Hoosiers and reach around the globe.

A commitment to outstanding professional education and research. Build on IU’s superb professional education programs to continue to meet the present and emerging needs of Indiana, the nation, and the world.

Expand intercampus collaboration. Leverage the combined intellectual resources of the IU campuses through broad-based, interdisciplinary research and other collaborations internally and externally.

4. The International Dimension of Excellence

Increase IU’s engagement internationally through globally aware education, enlarged study abroad activity, alumni activity, and expanded strategic partnerships with leading institutions of higher learning throughout the world, and continue IU’s historical commitment to institution-building around the globe.

5. Excellence in the Health Sciences and Health Care

Support the highest quality research, clinical care, education, and workforce development in the health sciences by deepening and expanding Indiana University’s relationship with IU Health (Clarian) and with the university’s other clinical partners, thus contributing to better Hoosier, national, and global health.

6. Excellence in Engagement and Economic Development

Actively engage the university’s strengths to support the health, economic, and social development of Indiana, the nation, and the world.

Translating innovation. Accelerate the transformation of the innovations and intellectual property developed by IU faculty, staff, and students into new products, services, and companies to improve the Indiana economy and national competitiveness.

Strong communities. Partner with the communities and regions of which IU is part to provide education, expertise, innovation, and leadership for their advancement.

The Framework

7. Excellence in Advancement

Expand and enhance essential volunteer, philanthropic, and other support for the Principles of Excellence among IU’s alumni, faculty, staff, students, and friends throughout Indiana, the nation, and the world.

8. Building for Excellence

Ensure that IU has the new and renovated physical facilities and infrastructure that are essential to achieve the Principles of Excellence, while recognizing the importance of historical stewardship, an environment that reflects IU’s values, and the imperative to meet future needs in accordance with long-term master plans.

9. The Centrality of Information

Ensure that the Principles of Excellence are supported by outstanding information technology and information resources.

Pervasive Deployment of IT. Ensure information technology is pervasively deployed at IU by leveraging and continuing the support of the university’s long-standing and internationally recognized excellence in information technology services and infrastructure.

IU Libraries. Ensure that IU’s libraries provide access to information in all forms that comprises the record of human knowledge, thought, and creativity for the learning, scholarly, and research communities at IU.

10. Responsible Stewardship of Indiana University’s Resources

Ensure that all of the public and private resources entrusted to IU are used as effectively and efficiently as possible in pursuit of the Principles of Excellence.

Accountability. Undertake continuing analysis, including appropriate metrics, to measure and evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of all aspects of IU’s operations.

Excellence in Administration. Provide outstanding administrative services in support of the Principles of Excellence and IU’s broader missions.

Communicating Excellence. Ensure the accomplishments of IU are widely known throughout Indiana, the nation, and the world.

To make the most of the internal diversity of a major university, different campuses, schools, and other academic and administrative units will implement these principles in different ways and to different degrees.