Appointment of interim executive vice president and IU Bloomington provost and interim executive vice president for University Academic Affairs

Friday, April 02, 2021

Dear Colleagues,

In my tribute to Executive Vice President and IU Bloomington Provost Lauren Robel last week, on the announcement of her retirement from these positions on June 30, 2021, I indicated that I intended -- after having carried out appropriate consultation -- to make an interim appointment to this position by today.

I am very pleased then to announce that I am appointing John Applegate as interim executive vice president and IU Bloomington provost, to serve from July 1, 2021, until a date to be determined by the new IU president, who will decide how to fill this position permanently.

John, of course, needs little introduction to the Bloomington campus or the broader IU community. He is the James L. Calamaras Professor of Law in the Maurer School of Law and has been an outstanding administrator in the school, on the Bloomington campus and within the whole university for over 20 years. He is also executive vice president for University Academic Affairs, where he is responsible for the regional campuses, university academic affairs, online education, public safety and institutional assurance, and university student services and systems areas. In this interim role, he will continue to be responsible for the public safety and institutional assurance and the university student services and systems areas.

I am also pleased to announce the appointment of IU Kokomo Chancellor Sue Sciame-Giesecke as interim executive vice president for University Academic Affairs from July 1, 2021, until John returns to this portfolio or other arrangements are made. Again, Sue needs little introduction to the broader IU community. She is a professor of communication arts at IU Kokomo and has also been an excellent administrator on the campus for many years. As IU Kokomo chancellor since 2014, she is the senior regional campus chancellor. In addition to her responsibilities for the regional campuses, in this interim role Sue will also be responsible for the university academic affairs and online education areas.

Both have been superb and loyal servants of the university for many years, and both will, I am sure, carry out their interim duties for as long as is needed with great skill and competence.

Michael A. McRobbie

Indiana University