A thank-you message from President McRobbie to IU students

Friday, May 08, 2020

Dear IU student,

Congratulations on completing this academic year!

I want to extend my sincerest thanks to all of you for all you have done to courageously, patiently and successfully navigate the enormous challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to our campuses and to all of our lives. We are immensely grateful for the individual and collective sacrifices you have made so selflessly for the greater good of the IU community.

You rose to a major challenge together in an unprecedented semester. And you did so while diligently continuing your education and supporting and caring for friends and loved ones in circumstances none of us could have envisioned.

There will almost certainly be more challenges and trials in the weeks ahead. But I am confident you will meet them with the same toughness and togetherness that helped carry all of us at IU through this difficult semester.

To our continuing students, I look forward to welcoming you back to our campuses soon. To our graduates, we deeply regret that in this, our Bicentennial Year, we were not able to celebrate your outstanding achievements in person. But we are all immensely proud of what you have accomplished.

With my continued best wishes for your safety, wellness and good health, and in great anticipation for when we can all be together again,

Michael A. McRobbie

Indiana University