Additional closings and cancellations due to COVID-19

Friday, March 13, 2020

To all members of the IU community: 

I write to share additional actions that Indiana University is taking to help contain the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in what is a rapidly evolving situation. As I stated on Tuesday, the health and safety of our IU community is our primary concern in this situation. Regular and timely updates are provided at the COVID-19 website whenever the situation changes or as soon as we have important information to share. I strongly recommend that you regularly check this website at least daily.

To date, we have not identified any cases of COVID-19 on any IU campus.

In consultation with health departments and medical professionals, IU will be closing additional facilities on our campuses effective Saturday, March 14, and canceling additional overseas programs. These decisions are being made to help mitigate and slow the spread of COVID-19 and to help protect the IU community.

Gyms, Child Care, Other Facilities

  • All campus gyms, fitness centers, pools, and other similar venues, including those associated with athletics programs, will be closed through April 5. Local guidance will additionally be provided at each campus.
  • All child care and day care centers will be closed through April 5.
  • Bradford Woods will be closed through April 5.


  • The Big Ten and the NCAA announced yesterday that they are canceling all competitions for the current season. The Big Ten further announced today that it has also suspended all organized team activities until April 6. This will be re-evaluated before that date.

Study Abroad

  • Effective immediately, all IU study abroad programs scheduled to begin on or before May 15 have been canceled. Programs scheduled to begin after May 15 are being evaluated for possible rescheduling or cancellation.

International Travel

  • A reminder that IU has amended its travel policy to require self-quarantine by only those travelers returning from countries under a CDC Level 3 warning. Any student, faculty member, or staff member returning from a country subject to a CDC Level 3 warning must self-quarantine off campus for 14 days before returning to any IU campus. This is a critically important public health measure. There will be no exceptions. This requirement currently applies to China, Iran, South Korea, and the 26 European countries in the Schengen Area; however, the CDC may add additional countries to the Level 3 list with little warning.

Continuing Campus Services

  • Individual research labs, academic buildings, studios, and clinical facilities will continue operations per the local decisions at each campus.
  • Libraries, student technology centers, computer labs, and other academic spaces will remain open for the time being. Enhanced cleaning and mitigation efforts are being implemented as directed by IU Environmental Health and Safety. These spaces will be closed to non-IU visitors at this time.
  • Campus buses will continue to run as normal, with the implementation of heightened cleaning protocols.

Classes will resume via virtual instruction March 23.

The reaction of the IU community to the unprecedented public health challenge of COVID-19 has been overwhelmingly positive and understanding of the decisions IU has had to make. The IU community’s response to these decisions has been swift and effective. I express my deepest appreciation and gratitude to everyone in the IU community and especially to our faculty and staff, who are working so vigilantly to mitigate and slow the spread of COVID-19. These efforts are helping to keep our campuses and our surrounding communities healthy and safe. My sincerest thanks to faculty for their swift work in preparing and implementing virtual coursework for our students.

As I previously mentioned, many of the measures we are taking will undoubtedly cause inconvenience and disruption, yet the risks of not acting now far outweigh the foreseeable inconvenience and challenges of these actions. The executive vice presidents and chancellors will also provide additional local guidance as needed for their respective campuses and programs.

Michael A. McRobbie


Indiana University