A welcome message for Indiana University students

Monday, August 22, 2016

Dear students,

I would like to extend a warm welcome (or welcome back) as you begin what promises to be an exciting and memorable year.

You have chosen a great time to be a student at IU.

You will be working with a world-class faculty dedicated to helping you get the most out of your IU education.

You are entering the gateway to a global education that will prepare you to succeed in an increasingly competitive international marketplace. Indeed, you are among a generation studying abroad in record numbers.

You are meeting the people who will become your lifelong friends and mentors.

And many of you are among IU’s Bicentennial Class, whose members are already setting new marks for academic achievement and who are the cause of great excitement and energy on our campuses as the university heads toward its 200th anniversary celebration in 2020.

All of us at IU are strongly committed to supporting your success. In return, we know you will study hard, seek out and respect the opinions of others, enjoy the rich variety of activities the university has to offer and find opportunities to give back to your communities. Much of your success in your journey through life will depend on the effort and the choices you make now.

My very best wishes for a great and productive year.


Michael A. McRobbie