On this occasion when reflecting on recent accomplishments of members of the university community and the new century upon which Indiana University is about to embark, it is fitting that we keep Yaolin, Joseph, and their families—as well as the victims of the Umpqua Community College shooting and their families—in our thoughts.
And so, I ask that you stand and join me in a moment of silence in their remembrance.
Please be seated.
I am pleased this afternoon to welcome two members of the Indiana University Board of Trustees who have joined us. With us are Trustee Jim Morris, and Anna Williams, our Student Trustee. Would you join me in welcoming our trustees?
A century ago, as Indiana University approached its centennial, IU’s 10th president, William Lowe Bryan, was presiding over what was the largest period of growth and change in the university’s history. It was during this period that IU grew prodigiously with the addition of nine new schools to the original just two. These included IU’s graduate school and many of the schools that provide the backbone of education and research in the professions in Indiana, especially in the health and medical sciences, where IU continues to educate the vast majority of Indiana’s physicians, dentists, and optometrists.
This massive academic transformation was paralleled by enormous physical growth, with the construction of 40 new buildings in Bloomington and Indianapolis, and by research moving to center stage in the mission of Indiana University.
All of these initiatives transformed Indiana University from a small, traditional liberal arts college into one of the leading modern research universities of the 20th century, with an educational reach to every part of the state—from the north to the south and the east to the west—through vibrant regional campuses and prospering medical education centers.
One hundred years later, as we approach the Bicentennial of Indiana University, we are again seeing change on a scale not seen for 100 years. Over the last eight years, Indiana University has undergone its most extensive academic transformation since the Bryan era. Eight schools have been newly established or reconfigured and, finally, a long-overdue engineering program has been established in Bloomington. Over this same time, IU has seen the most active period of building and renovation in its history, with the construction or renovation of nearly 70 major facilities on all its campuses—including new or renovated space for all of IU’s new schools. And through our global gateway offices, we have raised the IU flag in Beijing, in New Delhi, and next month, in Berlin.
All of this extraordinary change is focused with the greatest single-mindedness on our two paramount missions—providing students with the best, most contemporary and most affordable education possible and pursuing transformative research and scholarship at the highest level of excellence. All of this is being done in service to our state and its regions, our nation, and the world. We aspire to learn, to know, to teach, to heal, to build, and to guide, as our forebears have done for nearly 200 years.
Our pursuit of these missions is guided by the Bicentennial Strategic Plan for Indiana University, approved by the Board of Trustees last December. It represents a visionary, ambitious and coherent plan for the future whose goals, to be achieved by our Bicentennial, will lay the groundwork for Indiana University to continue to excel in these missions for another 100 years and beyond.
The Bicentennial Strategic Plan
In last year’s State of the University address, I presented the first draft of the Bicentennial Strategic Plan, a document that brought together and built upon a number of university-wide and campus strategic planning efforts, and that identified the goals that would build the foundation for Indiana University’s enduring strength and set IU on the course for greatness in its third century.
The initial draft of the strategic plan received invaluable feedback from hundreds of members of the Indiana University community. The responses covered nearly every part of the draft, represented a wide range of perspectives, and were essential in helping to produce the improved final version of the plan, which was approved by the Trustees last year.
In what follows, I will describe the enormous progress that has already been made on many of the priorities enumerated in the Bicentennial Strategic Plan, as well as some of Indiana University’s recent noteworthy achievements in related areas.
Strengthening IU’s Commitment to Student Success through Innovative New Academic Programs
The first Bicentennial Priority is to further reinforce IU’s already strong commitment to student success, which is at the core of Indiana University’s mission.
One way to give our students the greatest chance for success is to ensure that we offer degrees and educational opportunities that reflect the sometimes seismic changes that disciplines have undergone—degrees and educational opportunities that are relevant to today’s students and that will lead to satisfying careers.
I have already mentioned the sweeping changes made to IU’s academic programs in recent years. These changes resulted, in large part, from the New Academic Directions Report that was prepared by a faculty committee, which guided decisions about the realignment of academic programs and the creation of new schools.
While the academic disciplines at IU affected by these changes are far-reaching and extensive—from public health to philanthropy, from media related fields to computer and information sciences, from design and engineering to international studies—the impetus behind each of these major changes has been the same: to provide our students with the most relevant educational opportunities possible so that they are positioned for success in today’s global marketplace upon their graduation.
The sheer breadth of this academic transformation is proof that higher education—at least at Indiana University—can be nimble, completely belying the misconception that universities are somehow indifferent to the ever changing educational and economic environment in which we operate.
This is particularly true in the case of the addition of a program in intelligent systems engineering in the School of Informatics and Computing here in Bloomington.
I announced that we would begin the process of establishing such a program just one year ago in my 2014 State of the University address. Last December, an internal faculty committee submitted an outstanding report that concluded emphatically that the development of such an engineering program at IU Bloomington was necessary to permit existing academic departments and schools to attract the best faculty and students, and to allow the campus to reach the full potential of its existing research and academic strengths, particularly in the sciences, technology and the health sciences—in short, to develop a culture on the campus of “building and making” as I called it last year. An equally strong need for such a program was the unfulfilled demand in Southern Indiana for more engineering graduates identified in a report from the Battelle organization, and a broader national need for more STEM graduates.
I then invited three highly respected and immensely experienced academic experts and leaders in engineering to serve on an external Blue Ribbon Committee, and asked them to review the report of the internal task force and make a recommendation on the feasibility of establishing a program in intelligent systems engineering at IU Bloomington. After conducting extensive interviews with faculty, administrators and others, they concluded that the development of an engineering program at Indiana University Bloomington was critical to support the research needs of its current faculty, to educate its students effectively in the STEM fields and applied technology, and to foster collaboration with other research universities and programs within the state, and across the nation and the world.
The Board of Trustees approved the establishment of the program at their April meeting, it was subsequently approved by the Indiana Commission for Higher Education in August, and we will admit the first cohort of students in bachelor’s and doctoral programs when the fall semester begins next year. Notably, the first class of IU Bloomington trained engineers will graduate in IU’s Bicentennial year.
With the formation of its intelligent systems engineering program, IU Bloomington becomes the last of 62 AAU campuses to establish an engineering program. Today, as I said last year, all research universities are expected to support an entrepreneurial culture of “building and making” that takes the innovations and inventions in their labs and “commercializes” them through new companies, products and services that generate jobs and income for the university and hence contribute to state and national economic development.
The same pressures and expectations that originally led to the formation of land-grant institutions are now expectations of all research universities. In this sense, all AAU universities, especially publicly funded institutions such as Indiana University, have an obligation to the citizens of their state to address the great challenges of our time. We believe this fundamental—though evolutionary—change in the mission of research universities has important implications for higher education policy in Indiana and the principle of mission differentiation.
Affordability and Student Debt
The affordability of an IU education and control and reduction in student debt has always been of the utmost importance and highest priority to Indiana University.
IU has taken a number of key steps in recent years to ensure that all academically qualified students are enrolled in programs that are of high quality, are accessible, and are affordable.
A three-fold increase in institutional financial aid for undergraduate students over the last eight years—thanks in large part to the extraordinary generosity of our donors—has kept the average net cost of attendance at IU Bloomington the lowest among the 13 public universities in the Big Ten.
Our Finish in Four completion award, established in 2013, effectively froze tuition for junior and senior students on track to graduate in four years. And I am pleased to say that additional support from the General Assembly in the most recent biennium—for which we are deeply grateful—allowed us to freeze tuition for all in-state undergraduate students at IU Bloomington for the next two years.
State leaders have called upon Indiana’s public universities and colleges to produce more Hoosier graduates who have the skills necessary to succeed in today’s global job market. They have also called on us to do more to ensure that students persist to graduate and complete their degrees on time. These goals have always also been our goals, and recent figures show our continuing commitment to them. In recent years, IU has accounted for the vast majority of the net increase in bachelor’s degrees awarded by the state’s public higher educational institutions, the vast majority of the increase in on-time degrees, and the vast majority of the total increase in high-impact degrees awarded, such as those offered in STEM-related disciplines. More generally, last year IU had a record graduating class of over 20,000, and with this year’s student body again numbering close to 115,000, the most accomplished and diverse student body in recent history, IU can be expected to be by far the largest producer of graduates annually in Indiana for the foreseeable future.
Of course, all of us at IU share the widespread concern about the rapid increase in student debt nationwide. We also take seriously our responsibility to help those students who do take on debt to reduce their debt load and better understand the implications of borrowing.
Through our groundbreaking comprehensive financial literacy program, started a little more than three years ago and in which we have led the nation, we have helped IU students lower their borrowing substantially—more than 16 percent over three years with savings of approximately $82.5 million. This is a quite incredible figure. Imagine this multiplied over all 4,500 institutions of higher education in the United States. The savings would be in many of billions.
Our MoneySmarts initiative, which includes a number of programs aimed at helping students make informed financial decisions, was recognized as a Model of Excellence by University Business magazine. IU now sends annual student loan debt letters to all borrowers, updating them on how much they have borrowed and what it will take to repay the loans. Yahoo Finance recently praised this measure as one of five “genius ways colleges are tackling the student debt crisis.”1 I am also proud of the fact that, as a result of our success and leadership in this area, all public universities in Indiana are now required to provide similar letters to their students under a state law that took effect in July.
Academic and Career Advising
We have also redoubled our effort to ensure student success through a complete overhaul of career and academic advising.
All IU campuses now employ pervasive academic advising of students, supported by the IU Graduation Progress System, including degree mapping, early alerts, degree audit, and analytics. All of this is helping to increase graduation rates and reduce the time to degree completion.
A related priority in recent years has been to strengthen career advising, and in my 2012 State of the University address, I directed all campuses to take a fresh look at how we support career counseling and development.
Our goal is to build career awareness and information into every student’s experience from the beginning of their IU studies, with improved academic and career advising programs, accessible information systems, and career connection programs. While employers consistently report that the core skills of a liberal education are the qualities they most value in current and prospective employees, all IU schools and campuses are now pursuing opportunities to develop additional certificate and other qualifications that enable all IU students, regardless of their major fields of study, to obtain additional or targeted career skills.
All of these programs—as well as experiential learning, service learning, internships, and externships—serve to connect the campuses with their communities in ways that promote students’ educational and career aspirations.
Just last week, we announced a major philanthropic gift that will enhance career services in the Kelley School of Business here on the Bloomington campus. Conrad Prebys, a San Diego real estate developer and an alumnus of the Kelley School of Business, made an enormously generous gift of $20 million to Indiana University, part of which will be used to fund a new undergraduate career services center in the Kelley School of Business. This new center will allow the Kelley School to enhance its placement activities that corporate recruiters already rank as the very best in the nation.
Incidentally, Mr. Prebys’s gift will also support the construction of a new outdoor amphitheater for musical and theatrical productions on the Bloomington campus, an idea first envisioned by Herman B Wells. We are extremely grateful to Conrad Prebys for his remarkable generosity and his commitment to preparing our students for highly successful careers in business and the arts.
Student Welfare and Student Conduct
Of course, Indiana University is also thoroughly committed to the safety and wellbeing of all members of the university community.
This spring, the university adopted a comprehensive policy on sexual misconduct that describes the university’s prohibition of all forms of sexual harassment and sex- and gender-based discrimination, including rape and sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, sexual exploitation, and stalking.
The policy also serves to provide information on how to report allegations of sexual misconduct; information on resources and assistance; and the university’s procedures for addressing reports. It also updates those longtime practices and procedures, such as the adjudication proceedings for sexual misconduct under the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct.
The issue of sexual assaults has gained significant national attention recently as the federal government wrestles with the best way to handle reporting requirements and related concerns. But student safety involves more than this very serious and important issue. It involves alcohol and drug issues; depression and other mental health concerns; tolerance of gender and diversity-related issues; conflict resolution and knowledge of Indiana’s lifeline laws.
To address these issues, we at Indiana University decided some time ago that to be effective, these programs cannot simply be a set of rules and prescriptions set forth by administrators and endorsed by Trustees. We do, of course, have such rules at IU and it is important that such rules are followed and enforced.
But these problems will not be solved by more university rules or, frankly, more laws and regulations. At its heart, this is about the shared culture of the institution.
At Indiana University, we strive to create a culture that is respectful of all members of our campus communities—one that provides a safe environment for learning and living.
In order for an institution to nurture such a culture, it is imperative that such a culture is fully embraced and supported by all parts of the institution—the administration, the faculty, staff, and the students. Last year, I created the Student Welfare Executive Council, which brought together senior IU officers with relevant responsibilities, along with students, to ensure that the many aspects of student welfare are addressed and coordinated, that important issues receive priority attention at the highest levels of university and campus administrations, and that IU communicates with a consistent and authoritative voice in these matters. This Council is working to ensure that all Indiana University prevention, compliance, and communication activities relating to sexual assault are accounted for and coordinated.
As with other university-wide initiatives, all of our campuses will benefit from working together to share resources and serve all of our students across the state in the best possible manner.
And to further make an impact on culture, these programs must have enthusiastic student buy-in and support, which only comes from having these programs be student-initiated and student-led. I am very happy to say that this is the case at Indiana University and credit must go to our students, who are national leaders on these issues.
It is also important to underscore the fact that all of these initiatives are being coordinated across all IU campuses. Our efforts to enhance student safety, to hold down the cost of tuition, to promote financial literacy are for the benefit of all IU students around the state.
Strengthening Indiana University’s Commitment to Diversity
The enduring success of a great university, especially a great public institution like Indiana University, is predicated to a significant degree on its commitment to embracing diversity. IU’s sustained and focused commitment to recruiting students from diverse cultural backgrounds has resulted in record minority enrollment this fall on our two largest campuses. Minority student enrollment is at a record high of 21.9 percent of total domestic enrollment among first-year students on the Bloomington campus and 24.8 percent of total domestic enrollment on the IUPUI campus.
Still, the university must continue to do more to attract talented minority students to all of our campuses. To build further on IU’s efforts to foster diversity, the Office of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Multicultural Affairs has engaged a consulting group to conduct a thorough assessment of our progress on diversity and inclusion across the university and to provide benchmarks in this important area.
Catalyzing Research
The Bicentennial Strategic Plan also recognizes Indiana University’s role as a national leader in research and calls on the university to maximize its capacity for research, scholarship, and creative activity.
The benefits to the people of Indiana from having two great public research universities in the state are profound. University research and creative activities are associated with increased growth and incomes in their surrounding regions through students who have received their education in a research-rich environment; through new enterprises and new ideas brought into existing businesses; and through the pervasive culture of innovation they help to foster.
This summer, we reported that in fiscal year 2015, IU researchers received $541 million in external research funding. This was the highest total of external research funding brought in by any public research university in the state during the last fiscal year and higher than the totals for all the other public universities in Indiana combined. It is also the second-highest total in IU history, and the highest if you exclude Federal stimulus funding received during the height of the recession.
This figure confirms that IU faculty researchers are in the forefront of one of the most competitive environments for research funding that we have ever experienced in higher education. All our colleagues who were awarded grants during this period are to be enthusiastically congratulated, and we hope all those who submitted proposals that were not funded will not be discouraged and will seek ways to strengthen their proposals for resubmission.
We also announced this summer that we just had our most successful year ever relative to patent production. During the last fiscal year, IU had a record 183 U.S. and global patents issued—more than any other research institution in the state. This figure is an indication of the important role IU plays in contributing to the economic wellbeing of the state of Indiana, and the ability of our faculty to translate cutting-edge research into commercial technologies is vital to that effort.
As one of the nation’s leading research universities, Indiana University has a special opportunity—and responsibility—to drive large-scale research, discovery and innovation to help address some of the most pressing challenges facing our state, nation and world today. Thus, we recently announced that we have launched the most ambitious research program in Indiana University’s history. Over the next five years, we will invest at least $300 million in the Grand Challenges research program to develop transformative solutions for some of the planet’s most pressing problems.
These projects will address challenges that are too big to ignore—such as global water supplies; the availability of energy; infectious diseases; harnessing the power of, and protecting, big data; and climate change—by catalyzing collaborative and interdisciplinary research, as well as new partnerships with community organizations, industry and government.
Preliminary proposals are due on November 9, and full proposals based on those selected for further development are due April 18, 2016. A final decision will be made by mid-June.
With the Grand Challenges program, IU joins a small number of American universities, such as Princeton, UCLA and New York University, that have, in recent years, committed significant funding to tackling the most pressing challenges facing the world today and in the future.
The International Dimension of Excellence
Our Bicentennial Strategic Plan also calls on Indiana University to continue to build on a distinguished history of engagement in international activity and scholarship that goes back at least 100 years.
Among the goals of these efforts are to help better prepare our students for the world of tomorrow by expanding opportunities for study abroad as these can provide life-changing experiences. A vibrant international student population, drawn from many countries, also makes a key contribution to internationalizing IU by contributing to diversity that enriches everyone’s educational experience, and through their unique contributions to the university community.
The need for individuals with global cultural understanding and experience and the ability to work productively with people from different cultures and traditions has never been greater. The world has not seemed this perilous for 70 years. By increasing the number of IU students who serve and study abroad, we provide future leaders in our country who are globally literate.
We continue to focus our international engagement efforts on countries where we have large numbers of alumni, where large numbers of IU students study abroad, from where IU receives most of its international students, and where we have numerous successful academic partnerships with outstanding foreign universities. We now have active chapters of the Indiana University Alumni Association in all of these countries. In fact, I have had the pleasure of inaugurating a number of these chapters in recent years.
A very important new way of facilitating and supporting all of these efforts is through the establishment of IU’s international gateway offices. Last year, we opened the first two of these in China and India. These facilities provide places for IU faculty, students and alumni to meet and work; provide venues for international conferences, symposia and workshops; and they serve as the university’s front door in these vital parts of the world.
Next month we will celebrate the opening of IU’s third international gateway office in Berlin, with three or four more to be established in other parts of the world by the Bicentennial.
Excellence in The Health Sciences and Health Care
A major priority of the Bicentennial Strategic Plan is to support and invest in health sciences research and education to improve the health of citizens of Indiana and the nation.
Earlier this year, in conjunction with our indispensable partner IU Health, a number of major announcements were made about extensive new investments that would be made in major new facilities that will support new generation health care in Indiana, as well as world-class research and education in the medical and health sciences, and hence help address critical shortages in many of the healthcare professions.
IU and IU Health announced in April that we will dramatically transform the Indianapolis medical campus into a major new academic health center. IU Health will invest over $1 billion to consolidate its two existing downtown hospitals into one new state-of-the-art facility. A new Medical Education Building, co-located with the new hospital, will house students and faculty from the IU School of Medicine, and IU will also construct a large research facility as part of this new center.
And we also announced earlier in April that IU Health would be investing over $300 million in the new IU Health Bloomington Hospital that would be built on the IU Bloomington campus. It will also be part of a new regional academic health center that will bring to Bloomington and south-central Indiana many of the benefits and services associated with our large-scale, comprehensive academic health center in Indianapolis.
As part of this regional academic health center, IU will build a new medical education building, which will provide much needed space for IU Bloomington’s excellent health-related programs, many of which lack dedicated and specialized classroom space, and suffer from a dearth of laboratory or clinic facilities.
This new regional academic health center will also help address the state’s growing shortage of medical and health science professionals by allowing us to produce more graduates in these much in-demand professions. It will also attract investment and enhance economic development for Bloomington and south-central Indiana.
It is said that building a new hospital is a once in a century occurrence. To be partners in building two represents an extraordinary opportunity for IU.
Excellence in Advancement: The Indiana University Bicentennial Campaign
Ten days ago, we launched the public phase of a campaign that will ensure that IU’s transformative impact on the state, the nation, and the world continues into our third century and for generations to come.
For All: The Indiana University Bicentennial Campaign is the first-ever university-wide philanthropic campaign involving all IU campuses, and it has set a goal of $2.5 billion to be raised by 2020. This is the most ambitious fundraising goal ever in IU’s history and one of the largest ever by a public university. The highlight of the campaign launch was an extraordinarily generous gift from David Jacobs of $20 million in support of the Jacobs School of Music which was named by a gift from his late mother about a decade ago.
To date, the campaign has raised nearly $1.2 billion with the participation of over 200,000 donors.
The For All campaign will support four broad university priorities that reflect the central goals of the Bicentennial Strategic Plan: enabling student success and support; creating the next generation of global leaders; recruiting and retaining the best and most creative faculty who will lead the discoveries and innovations that transform how we live; and creating a healthier state, nation and world.
As part of the Campaign, a concerted, university-wide effort will be made as well to encourage all IU faculty and staff to contribute. We seek to raise $25 million in new gifts from faculty and staff for endowed projects—which will be matched by the university.
We are also seeking gifts to endow at least 1,200 new undergraduate scholarships on all our campuses, to endow at least 400 study and service abroad scholarships especially for low income and minority students, to endow at least 100 new chairs and professorships, and at least 200 new graduate fellowships.
Building for Excellence
As I have mentioned, we are currently in the midst of the most active period of building and renovation in Indiana University’s history, with nearly 70 major facilities constructed or renovated, with a total value approaching $2 billion—approximately 70 percent of which has been funded by private or internal university sources.
Just last week, we broke ground for a magnificent new facility, Luddy Hall, which will serve as the main building for the School of Informatics and Computing in Bloomington and which will be one of the main features of a new Woodlawn Avenue Corridor that will link the main academic campus to the athletics complex.
In two days, we will dedicate University Hall on the Indianapolis campus, a wonderful new building that is now home to one of IU’s newest schools—the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy—and which provides much-needed additional space for one of our oldest schools, the IU School of Social Work. As well the IU Foundation and IU Alumni Association’s Indianapolis operations are based there.
And next week, we will dedicate a splendid new home for IU’s School of Global and International Studies, and to celebrate this, we will be delighted to welcome to the campus Secretary of State John Kerry who is the first sitting Secretary of State to visit IU for 20 years.
We are also making progress on our goal to complete all deferred maintenance projects on IU’s campuses by the Bicentennial. The current deferred maintenance backlog is $547 million for all campuses combined. This includes $405 million in large projects and $142 million in so called small projects. Many of these buildings and facilities have been funded by the people of Indiana, in some cases more than a century ago. We take very seriously our obligation to maintain them, and we will continuing to prioritize requests for complete renovations of these buildings and facilities in our biennial budget requests to the Legislature leading up to the Bicentennial.
On behalf of Indiana University, I want to extend our deepest gratitude to the members of the Indiana General Assembly, who have provided generous support for capital projects over many years. The unswerving commitment for nearly 200 years of the State and the General Assembly to Indiana University has helped make it the institution it is today, and we are deeply grateful for their support.
As we build and renovate all of these facilities, our goal is to focus on efficient and environmentally conscious design and operation. Our goal is for all major new buildings to be certified at the LEED Gold level. We are proud that Indiana University Bloomington has more LEED Certified Buildings that any institution in the Big Ten and this restated goal maintains this commitment. We also continue to explore and pursue a variety of energy and utility supply and delivery options that will help us achieve goals for energy efficiency, emissions reductions and the use of fossil fuels on all IU campuses. Our goal is to increase energy and utility system efficiency while reducing demand and consumption.
Within the past year, IU has expanded university-wide efforts in both sustainability and the management of energy and utilities. We are expanding our educational efforts across all campuses to reduce energy and resource consumption as our ever-changing natural environment requires. Programs such as energy challenges, dedicated green teams, and replacement of costly older energy related infrastructure have produced tangible results.
Energy savings infrastructure renovation projects over the past decade have reduced by over $4 million annually our utility expenses. Simple projects like better lighting efficiency are providing over $1 million in energy rebates. Electricity consumption per square foot continues to trend downward and is as much as 16 percent lower than previous years, thus saving money while also reducing our indirect carbon emissions. Water consumption is down as much as 25 percent. And through a new effort to purchase natural gas on a more uniform and cost effective basis across all campuses, we are locking in better prices for future years and almost totally eliminating the need to burn coal to produce steam on the Bloomington campus. I commend all those who are assisting our efforts to do the right thing in reducing consumption of natural resources and hence reduce IU’s expenses.
The list of visionary accomplishments and changes that I have just described is a formidable one. It is the product of the wise direction from successive Boards of Trustees; the work of thousands of faculty, staff and students across all of our campuses; the support of the Legislature and State and Federal Governments; the enthusiastic and generous engagement of large numbers of our 600,000 plus base of dedicated and loyal alumni; and the many indispensable grants from hundreds of endowments, foundations and companies. All of them and more deserve our most grateful thanks for their dedicated, devoted and selfless efforts over so many decades in support of Indiana University.
In 1820, Indiana University was founded on a promise to the people of the State of Indiana that the civic, cultural, social, and economic life of the state and its citizens would be expanded and enriched by an exceptional public institution of higher education.
For nearly two centuries, Indiana University has consistently redeemed that promise through the outstanding achievements of generations of faculty members in a wide range of fields of inquiry; through the leadership of dedicated administrators and staff who have helped to guard and care for the overall and long-run welfare of the institution; and though hundreds of thousands of alumni who endeavor in countless ways to improve the world for future generations.
As Indiana University prepares to enter its third century of service to the state, the nation, and the world, we recommit ourselves to fulfilling that promise, for all.
Thank you very much.
Source Notes
- Mandi Woodruff, “5 Genius Ways Colleges are Tackling the Student Debt Crisis,” Yahoo! Finance, May 6, 2015, Web. Accessed June 22, 2015, URL: