IU President McRobbie thanks the Board of Aeons for their service to the university

At an annual dinner for the Board of Aeons, Indiana University President Michael A. McRobbie and First Lady Laurie Burns McRobbie shared their appreciation for the Aeons' remarkable service to the university.

The Board of Aeons is an organization made of IU students who advise McRobbie and his administration, and the 2017-18 members are a group in a line of student leaders who have made a difference at IU for more than 95 years.

From the top: The 2017-18 Board of Aeons with IU President and First Lady McRobbie at Bryan House. Board of Aeons Vice President Mica Caine (center) at the final presentation of projects. The Board of Aeons present projects to President McRobbie. Photos by Chaz Mottinger, IU Communications

Each year, the Aeons work on special projects that are presented to McRobbie at the end of the spring semester. Through this experience the Aeons gain insight into the planning, development and strategic decision-making at IU.

At a recent dinner in honor of the Aeons, President McRobbie recognized the student officers of the organization, including John McHugh, president, and Mica Caine, vice president.

He congratulated McHugh, who received the Herman B Wells Award, and Fan Bu, Mica Caine and Caroline Oates, who were recipients of the Kate Hevner Mueller Outstanding Senior Award. He also recoginized Jessica Chiang, who received the Susan Butler Award.

He also praised the Aeons selection of new members, noting the outstanding dedication of the current Board to recommend such a high-quality group.

More about the Board of Aeons