An Indiana University graduate listens during the winter commencement ceremony; IU President Michael A. McRobbie delivers his remarks; administrators, faculty, graduates and their families gathered at Simon Sjkodt Assembly Hall. Photos by Eric Rudd, Indiana University
Indiana University Bloomington's more than 1,900 winter graduates hailed from 58 different countries, from 45 states and the District of Columbia, and from 64 of Indiana's 92 counties.
Whether they grew up in Bloomington or were among the international students who made up 20 percent of the graduating class, IU President Michael A. McRobbie had the same message for members of the Class of 2018 who were recognized at winter commencement.
"As you leave this ceremony and begin to use the knowledge and skills you have acquired to become the leaders of tomorrow, I call on you to renew your commitment to be the standard-bearers of truth," McRobbie said.
McRobbie pointed to the many ways an IU education has prepared them to discern truth.
"Your IU education has given you the knowledge, values, and habits of mind to distinguish reality from appearance, to evaluate the trustworthiness of sources, to understand what constitutes a valid argument, and to assess the evidence used to support a claim," he said.
McRobbie noted that the graduates' IU education was formed in the traditional classroom setting as well as during international travel with study abroad opportunities and through community outreach by participating in programs like IU Dance Marathon.
"Bolstered by the motto of your alma mater, lux et veritas, light and truth, may you appreciate and tirelessly defend the truths we now possess. And may you, in this 'post-truth era,' speak for truth and defend it against those who would distort, discredit, and defame it."
Read the commencement address
More about winter commencement