McRobbie Meets with VP Pence to Tout Value of University Research
McRobbie Meets with VP Pence to Tout Value of University Research
IU President Michael A. McRobbie, center right, led a delegation of university presidents who met with U.S. Vice President Mike Pence, center left, to discuss the importance of research funding and the role of research universities in innovation and economic development. Official White House photo by D. Myles CullenU.S. Vice President Mike Pence, center, addresses the delegation of university presidents. Official White House photo by D. Myles CullenU.S. Vice President Mike Pence, center left, and IU President Michael A. McRobbie, center right, and the delegation of university presidents following a meeting in Washington, D.C., arranged by IU on behalf of the Association of American Universities. McRobbie and his presidential colleagues highlighted the contributions U.S. universities have made, through basic scientific research, toward strengthening the nation's economic competitiveness and national security. They also talked about how their universities might more effectively align their research and engagement efforts with the federal government's goals for creating new jobs, spurring business innovation and improving public health. Official White House photo by D. Myles CullenU.S. Vice President Mike Pence, third from left, and IU President Michael A. McRobbie, fourth from left, and the delegation of university presidents examine a desk made in 1903 for then President Theodore Roosevelt and subsequently used by seven presidents in the Oval Office. It has remained in use by vice presidents since leaving the Oval Office in 1961 and includes a top drawer inscribed with the signatures of many of its users. The desk was part of the delegation’s tour of the vice president's Ceremonial Office.