Breaking ground on SPEA's O'Neill Graduate Center

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IU President Michael A. McRobbie speaks from the podium during the groundbreaking ceremony for the Paul H. O'Neill Graduate Center at the School of Public and Environmental Affairs on the IU Bloomington campus.
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IU President Michael A. McRobbie shows a model of the future Paul H. O'Neill Graduate Center to the audience.
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IU School of Public and Environmental Affairs Dean John D. Graham speaks during the groundbreaking ceremony for the Paul H. O’Neill Graduate Center. The 29,000-square-foot, $12 million building will provide the school’s graduate programs with much-needed space for teaching, learning, research and service activities.
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Yasmine El-Gohary, a student in SPEA’s Master of Public Affairs program, speaks during the groundbreaking for the SPEA’s Paul H. O’Neill Graduate Center. It will provide technologically advanced learning and meeting spaces for SPEA's top-ranked and growing graduate programs in public affairs, environmental management and environmental science.
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From left, Indiana University Trustees Philip N. Eskew Jr. and Anna M. Williams, IU President Michael A. McRobbie and IU Executive Vice President and Provost Lauren Robel take part in a ceremonial groundbreaking for SPEA's Paul H. O'Neill Graduate Center.

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