Honoring MaryFrances McCourt with a President's Medal

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Musicians perform during the farewell reception for MaryFrances McCourt, IU senior vice president of finance and chief financial officer. McCourt officially departs IU on March 21 to assume duties as the vice president for finance and treasurer at the University of Pennsylvania.
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Indiana University President Michael A. McRobbie talks about the accomplishments of MaryFrances McCourt. She joined IU in 2005 as university treasurer and has served as a vice president and chief financial officer since January 2013. She was named senior vice president and CFO in April 2014.
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Indiana University President Michael A. McRobbie applauds MaryFrances McCourt as she joins him at the podium.
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IU President Michael A. McRobbie presents MaryFrances McCourt with the President's Medal for Excellence, in recognition of her service to IU in the area of financial leadership, most recently as IU senior vice president of finance and chief financial officer.
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IU President Michael A. McRobbie places the President's Medal for Excellence over MaryFrances McCourt's head. The medal, which reproduces in silver the jewel of office worn by IU's president at ceremonies, is the highest honor an IU president can bestow.
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IU President Michael A. McRobbie presents MaryFrances McCourt with the President's Medal for Excellence parchment.
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MaryFrances McCourt shows the President's Medal for Excellence parchment to the audience.
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MaryFrances McCourt thanks the 170 guests who attended her farewell reception. Named 2014 CFO of the Year by the Indianapolis Business Journal, McCourt led a number of initiatives to optimize the financial performance of the university’s $2 billion investment and $1 billion debt portfolios, and strengthened IU’s long-range financial planning.
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IU President Michael A. McRobbie, IU Senior Vice President of Finance and CFO MaryFrances McCourt (center), and IU Bloomington Provost Lauren Robel pose for a photo.