IU President Michael A. McRobbie and Jagiellonian University President Wojciech Nowak sign documents renewing a partnership agreement between their respective institutions.IU President Michael A. McRobbie (center) and IU delegation members pose for a picture with their hosts from Jagiellonian University.IU President Michael A. McRobbie and the IU delegation arrived in Krakow, Poland for the second half of the delegation's trip. The delegation spent the day at Jagiellonian University, which was founded by King Casimir III the Great in 1364. In this photo, President McRobbie is standing outside the Collegium Novum, which is the main building of Jagiellonian University in Krakow.Following the renewal of the agreement between IU and Jagiellonian University, delegation members took part in a brief tour of the university campus and its more-than-650-year-old history. This is a piece from the Copernicus treasury collection at the Collegium Maius, which is one of Jagiellonian University’s oldest buildings.Following the Collegium Maius, delegation members had an afternoon meeting with Maestro Krzysztof Penderecki (left), the eminent Polish composer and conductor, and his wife, Elzbieta, who is an impresario in her own right. Maestro Penderecki, who studied music at Jagiellonian University and the Academy of Music in Krakow, has been called Poland’s “greatest living composer.” Early next year, IU and the Jacobs School of Music will add to Maestro Penderecki’s honors by awarding him with an honorary doctorate in Bloomington.