A Celebratory Luncheon with the University of Bologna

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During the luncheon for the Bologna program, Janis Russell performed a rhythm and blues classic with fellow program alum Michael Brusha. The two hadn’t performed with—let alone even seen—each other since Russell sang in Brusha's band during her year (1973-74) studying in Bologna. Russell is a celebrated jazz and blues singer, who has performed for, among other luminaries, President Bill Clinton, Pope John Paul II and Nelson Mandela. Brusha has gone on to become a renowned musical figure performing live with his band and teaching music at the Merry Melodies music school in Bologna.
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On the second day of a two-day 50th anniversary celebration of IU’s study abroad program at the University of Bologna, IU President Michael A. McRobbie and the delegation attended a special luncheon at the Villa dei marchesi Scarani.
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About 180 people gathered to celebrate the 50th anniversary of IU’s study abroad program at the University of Bologna in Italy. Alumni from both the United States and Italy, former program directors, representatives from the IU Bologna Consortial Studies Program institutions, current consortial students and guests gathered for the afternoon.