IUPUI Commencement

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IU President Michael A. McRobbie and the platform party make their way to the stage during the beginning of the IUPUI commencement ceremony.
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IU President Michael A. McRobbie presents Robert Schrier, a world-renowned nephrologist and IU School of Medicine alumnus, with an honorary Doctor of Science degree. Schrier, a highly distinguished nephrologist, is widely renowned as an exemplary academic physician who has sustained this status for the last 50 years. His findings have led to improvements in treatments of patients with acute kidney failure, diabetes, hypertension, and liver and heart failure.
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IUPUI commencement speaker John C. Lechleiter, president, CEO and chair of the board of directors of Eli Lilly and Co., delivers his commencement address. He joined the company in 1979 as a senior organic chemist and has risen through its ranks to his current position.
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Rosie Bryant, the IUPUI student commencement speaker, address the crowd in Lucas Oil Stadium. Bryant, who earned a Bachelor of Social Work degree, was nominated for the IUPUI Top 100 and Rising Star Award. She will be enrolling in the Master of Social Work Program this summer.
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Chancellor Nasser H. Paydar explains the tradition of hooding doctoral degree recipients during the IUPUI commencement ceremony.
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IU President Michael A. McRobbie congratulates a doctoral candidate who is crossing the stage to receive her doctoral hood.
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IU President Michael A. McRobbie confers degrees on IUPUI’s Class of 2016. IUPUI awarded 4,313 undergraduate degrees and 2,404 graduate and professional degrees.
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IUPUI graduates begin to line up before the start of the commencement ceremony.
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Indiana University President Michael A. McRobbie speaks during the Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis commencement ceremony at Lucas Oil Stadium in downtown Indianapolis.
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IU President Michael A. McRobbie shares a hug with his wife, Laurie Burns McRobbie, as the president and other platform party members process out of the stadium at the end of IUPUI's commencement. Laurie Burns McRobbie received a Master of Arts in Philanthropic Studies from the IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at IUPUI.
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IUPUI graduates file out of Lucas Oil Stadium after commencement.

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