IU Kokomo Commencement

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IU Kokomo graduates fill the room at the Kokomo Event and Conference Center for the 2016 commencement ceremony.
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IU President Michael A. McRobbie proceeds to the stage during IU Kokomo's commencement ceremony.
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IU President Michael A. McRobbie welcomes IU Kokomo's graduates to the 2016 commencement ceremony. IU Kokomo awarded 612 degrees: 544 bachelor’s degrees, 56 master’s degrees and 12 associate degrees.
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IU Kokomo Chancellor Susan Sciame-Giesecke gives opening remarks during the commencement ceremony.
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IU President Michael A. McRobbie presents Ruth J. Person, chancellor emerita of IU Kokomo, with an honorary degree Doctor of Humane Letters. During her years as chancellor of IU Kokomo, several new bachelor’s and master’s programs were added, and 14 new academic curricula were developed. Her efforts increased resident full-time faculty, and global diversity was expanded through increased international programming. Chancellor Emerita Person focused on creating and upgrading facilities with leading-edge classroom technology, and she has remained a supporter of the campus.
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Jerome Campbell, a member of IU Kokomo's Class of 2016, presents the graduating class to IU Trustee MaryEllen Bishop for induction into the Indiana University Alumni Association.
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IU Kokomo’s student speaker Ashley N. Lowe, who has earned a bachelor of science in communication arts with highest distinction, delivers her remarks.
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Members of IU Kokomo’s Class of 2016 move the tassels on their caps to the left side, indicating that they are graduates.
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Campus Grand Marshal Lynda Narwold leads the platform party off the stage following IU Kokomo’s commencement ceremony.