IU East Commencement

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Student speaker Erika RuthAnn Lemar addresses the IU East Class of 2016. She earned a B.S. from the IU East School of Nursing and Health Sciences.
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IU President Michael A. McRobbie welcomes members of the graduating class and guests to IU East’s commencement ceremony.
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The IU East Class of 2016 celebrates its graduation as confetti falls. IU East awarded 795 degrees: 772 bachelor’s degrees and 23 master’s degrees.
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IU Trustee Philip N. Eskew Jr., IU East student Timothy Tootle, IU East Chancellor Emeritus David Fulton, IU President Michael A. McRobbie, former Indiana Senator Allen Paul, IU East Chancellor Kathryn Cruz-Uribe, and commencement speaker Erika Lemar pose for a photo before IU East’s commencement ceremony begins.
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IU East Chancellor Kathryn Cruz-Uribe welcomes members of the graduating class and guests to IU East’s commencement ceremony.
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Former Indiana State Representative Richard “Dick” Bodiker approaches IU President Michael A. McRobbie at the podium to receive an Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree.
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IU President Michael A. McRobbie congratulates former Indiana State Senator Allen E. Paul as he receives the hood that accompanies his Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree during the IU East commencement ceremony.
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IU President Michael A. McRobbie welcomes IU East Chancellor Emeritus David Fulton to the podium as IU East Chancellor Kathryn Cruz-Uribe escorts him. Chancellor Emeritus Fulton was chancellor at IU East from 1995 to 2007.
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IU President Michael A. McRobbie places the President’s Medal for Excellence over IU East Chancellor Emeritus David Fulton's head. The President’s Medal is the highest honor an IU president can bestow. Chancellor Emeritus Fulton was known for his efforts in weaving the university into the communities it serves by building community partnerships. During his time as chancellor, Chancellor Emeritus Fulton managed the construction of Springwood Hall in Richmond, the Danielson Learning Center in New Castle and the Connersville Center.