IU President Michael A. McRobbie and Australian National University Vice Chancellor Brian P. Schmidt talk during a reception that followed Schmidt's talk.IU First Lady Laurie Burns McRobbie (center) mingles with guests during the reception after Australian National University Vice Chancellor Brian P. Schmidt's talk.IU President Michael A. McRobbie and Australian National University Vice Chancellor Brian P. Schmidt pose for a photo during the reception.Australian National University Vice Chancellor Brian P. Schmidt and the ANU delegation pose for a photo with IU President Michael A. McRobbie, First Lady Laurie Burns McRobbie and IU faculty and staff.Nobel Prize laureate Brian P. Schmidt, vice chancellor of Australian National University, speaks during a discussion about a dual degree program between the Australian National University and Indiana University. IU President Michael A. McRobbie (center) and IU Vice President for International Affairs David Zaret (right) listen to the proposal.Indiana University President Michael A. McRobbie and Vice Chancellor of the Australian National University Brian P. Schmidt sign an agreement that will create a dual-degree master's program in arts administration and museum and heritage studies between their respective institutions. Beginning in fall 2017, students from both universities will have an opportunity to study two distinct but related areas of cultural administration.Vice Chancellor of Australian National University Brian P. Schmidt (left) and IU President Michael A. McRobbie shake hands after signing the agreement. After signing the agreement, the Australian National University delegation and IU President Michael A. McRobbie walk to Whittenberger Auditorium where Nobel Prize laureate Brian P. Schmidt, vice chancellor of Australian National University, will give his talk. President McRobbie welcomes the audience and introduces Vice Chancellor Schmidt.Australian National University Vice Chancellor Brian P. Schmidt delivers his talk, "The Accelerating Universe.” In his talk, Schmidt explained how astronomers have used observations to trace our universe's history back more than 13 billion years, leading them to ponder the ultimate fate of the cosmos. Australian National University Vice Chancellor Brian P. Schmidt autographs a photo for a student after his talk. Schmidt was winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2011. Under his leadership, the High-Z Supernova Search team made the startling discovery in 1998 that the expansion rate of the universe is accelerating. The discovery came while they traced the expansion of the universe over billions of years and learned that more than 70 percent of the cosmos is contained in a previously unknown form of matter, called Dark Energy.