Assembly Hall Renovations Tour

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Work progresses inside the future home of the Mark Cuban Center for Sports Media and Technology inside Assembly Hall. Last year, IU Athletics received a $5 million gift from IU alumnus Mark Cuban to create a first-of-its-kind, cutting-edge, student-focused video, broadcasting and technology center. Among other things, this gift will make IU Athletics the national leader in 3-D broadcast and replay, virtual reality, and 3-D virtual studio technologies.
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IU President Michael A. McRobbie (center) points out a feature as he tours Assembly Hall while it is undergoing renovations with Vice President and Director of Intercollegiate Athletics Fred Glass (left) and Vice President for Capital Planning and Facilities Thomas Morrison (right).
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Indiana University Vice President and Director of Intercollegiate Athletics Fred Glass (left), IU Vice President for Capital Planning and Facilities Thomas Morrison and IU President Michael A. McRobbie look out into the arena from the new south lobby during a tour of renovations underway at Assembly Hall. The new, expanded south entry will include centralized ticket windows and will improve game day access with escalators, a new elevator, and improved graphics and way finding.
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The basketball court in IU’s Assembly Hall is covered during renovations. In 2013, IU Athletics received a $40 million gift – the largest in its history – from IU alumna Cindy Simon Skjodt to provide much needed renovations to Assembly Hall. Renovations will be complete in time for the 2016-2017 basketball season in the fall.
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Workers have made progress on construction of the new south lobby in Assembly Hall.
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IU President Michael A. McRobbie (center) listens to the list of upgrades made to the concession areas during a tour of renovations underway at Assembly Hall. Concessions areas are being renovated to upgrade existing equipment, back of house space and aesthetics.
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Box-seat-style seating is being added above the south baseline bleachers and will generate revenue to pay for this seating and to help fund ongoing upkeep of Assembly Hall.
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New counters have been installed along the west concourse in Assembly Hall.
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IU Vice President for Capital Planning and Facilities Thomas Morrison (right) points out to IU President Michael A. McRobbie the area where escalators will connect the north lobby to the concourse level in Assembly Hall.