In July 2020, President Michael A. McRobbie began the process of a systematic review of all named buildings and structures on all campuses of Indiana University. The goal is to identify any buildings or structures named after a person found to have held views -- in statements, writings or publicly -- that are inimical to the fundamental values of the university and consider removing the present names.
Building Names Review

We are all members of an educational community, and as such, we must always, as part of the very core of what we do, face the challenges inherent in understanding and evaluating the ideas, assertions, and arguments that come from varied perspectives, traditions, disciplines, and beliefs, as we pursue our fundamental mission of searching for knowledge and truth.
Review Process
There are hundreds of named buildings and structures across all the campuses of Indiana University. Authority for the naming of organizations and facilities rests with the Trustees of Indiana University upon the recommendation of the President of IU. IU has an Institutional Naming Policy that guides the process, and all naming proposals are routed through the University Naming Committee.